On Saturday morning, 3 of my best friends from college arrived in Paris! I grew up doing Twist and Shout with Jenny Bell for as long as I can remember! Jenny and I were not only Kappas together at OU, but we lived together in the 7-girl room at the Kappa house for a year!



Mackenzi is a longtime friend that I have grown up with! We we were on “Bats-N-Boys” T-Ball team at age 5 and we also went to high school together! Mackenzi was also a Kappa with me at OU and was one of my best friends in my pledge class!

Paige is from Enid but quickly became one of my best friends in the Kappa house and in my pledge class!  

Needless to say, I have lots of memories with all 3 of these girls! 



{Greeting the girls with Champagne upon their arrival to my apartment}

Saturday we went out to lunch at one of my favorite spots in the Marais (my area). That evening, we went to one of my favorite restaurants that Natalie has taken me to several times. They have “wine flights” where you can have 3-4 glasses of reds, whites, or champagnes at a time but they are half glasses so you can enjoy several varieties. The experience is a blast because with each glass, you have a sommelier who explains the origin and taste notes of each glass. We also enjoy amazing cheese plates, Charcuterie plates and Foie Gras with baguettes of course! It was so fun having the 3 girls meet Natalie and Dave! 



{Lunch at La Favorite, one of my favorite Cafe’s near my apartment}


{Paige and I on the patio at La Favorite}Image


{Jenny, Mackenzi, & Paige before dinner}


{Jenny, Me, & Paige} 



{The girls and I enjoying dinner and wine at O Chateau}



{Wine Flights}



{Charcuterie Plates}



{Cheese Plates}

Sunday, we hit the city with a mission. We had breakfast at Paul on Champs Elysees and enjoyed Chocolate Croissants and Quiches for breakfast. We then ventured down the street to the Arc de Triomph and took many pictures. It was a beautiful sunny day which we have not seen in a few weeks. I think my Oklahoma girls brought the sun because ever since they have arrived, the sun has been beating down on Paris! 



{Paige & I enjoying pastries at PAUL for breakfast}



{Arc de Triomph} 

After the Arc de Triomph, we waited in line at Laduree for almost an hour to taste the most famous and delectable Macarons in Paris or the world for that matter. It was well worth it!  The girls and I were dying over the beautifully painted ceilings, apron and bow tie wearing girls packaging our delicacies and the beautiful pastries filling the room! 



{Macaroons for miles at Laduree}



{More delectable creations at Laduree}



{The girls and I outside Laduree}

After Laduree, we made our way to the Eiffel Tower. I made sure we stopped at the Metro stop that leads you to the high hill that overlooks the Eiffel Tower from above. We turned the corner and all of a sudden the Eiffel Tower was engulfing everyone’s entire view…The girls literally gasped! It was such a great moment! We took several photos at the top of the hill and made our way down to the Eiffel Tower grounds! 



{The beautiful view we saw once turning the corner off the Metro}



{Paige and I}



{The girls and I}


After the Eiffel Tower, we settled in on the terrace of a Parisian cafe that had amazing views of the Eiffel Tower peeking out from behind an apartment building. We enjoyed our Laduree macarons and glasses of Champagne! It was such a great day! 



{The girls and I enjoying Champagne & Laduree macarons on a patio by the Eiffel Tower}



{Champagne & Macarons}



{Mackenzi & I taking in the views}

That night, we went to Cafe Marly which is in the middle of the courtyard of the Louvre. At night, the Pyramid in the centre of the Louvre is all lit up and stunning. Making matters even more wonderful, the Eiffel Tower is seen on the horizon and you see it Sparkle every 30 minutes! Not a bad view! We had a lovely dinner and shared many laughs! So happy to have these girls here! 



{Paige, Mackenzi & Jenny}



{Paige, Mackenzi & I}



{The Louvre after dark}

The girls left yesterday to visit London for four days and will be back in Paris on Saturday for their last night in town! I am so happy the girls were able to come visit my home in Paris! It is so fun that they now can appreciate my everyday life and views that I enjoy daily in Paris! 

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! Love and miss you all! 

WIth Love from Paris, 

Britt xoxo

6 thoughts on “

  1. oh my goodness! those pics of you with your oklahoma visitors are too cute! nothing better than time with “the girls”, no matter what your age! looks like you all had a blast – i’m jealous!
    thanks for post and pics!
    xo, debi

  2. I am happy that you enjoyed the post Debi! It is so great having “girl time” especially in Paris! I am missing your barre class and sometimes wish you could come to Paris and do weekly classes for my girlfriends and I! haha Hope you are doing well!
    Britt xoxo

  3. Brittany I just discovered your blog. After I read the February entries I was so taken by your experience that I am in the process of going back and reading all of the pasty entries. Your blog is so good it is publishable. I can taste the food as you write. Thanks for taking the time to share this absolutely fabulous experience. Jidge Verity

  4. Ahh! I love the pictures and details:) Such beautiful girls! I wish I had plans on coming back scheduled. Have a great weekend Miss Sanger!!

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